Supporting and Training Widows in Kaduna State
The ECWA Widows Training School in Samaru-Kataf seeks to support widows through literacy, Bible training and skill development. The school is located in southern Kaduna State.
About 80 to 90 widows, divorcées, and single mothers participate in a three to four-year programme. Bible and literacy classes are provided in both Hausa and English. Skill training is provided for sewing, baking, computer work, cookery, and salon. The goal is for the women who graduate to be able to support themselves, often through running their own home businesses located in rural areas.
The school was founded in 1979 by the Women’s Fellowship of the Eastern Zaria district of ECWA. They identified a need to help the number of young widows who struggle to support themselves and their families when they lose their husbands.