
Serve with Us

From its beginning in 1893, SIM has been a faith-based mission. Our missionaries trust God to provide the necessary financial resources for them to serve.

This process starts with prayer and then continues in prayer through raising individual support from churches, fellow believers, family, friends and so forth.  This approach has the benefit of raising prayer as well as financial support. It is also a way that churches and individual believers can have a part in fulfilling the Great Commission as they effectively “serve through sending.”

Short-Term Opportunities

Short-term missions is an excellent way to evaluate God’s call on your life. It provides an introduction to ministry and an opportunity to learn what cross-cultural work is all about.

SIM Nigeria’s Engage! program provides an intentional split between ministry work and cultural learning, combined with guided mentoring. Qualified participants (age 21+) select terms between two months and two years as God leads them. Be sure to ask about our Engage! program when you contact us.

If you are potentially interested in serving with SIM, we’d be glad to talk with you. Contact Us and your enquiry will be directed to the SIM sending office closest to you.